Gallery Time: Farm Ageddon

Stephanie and Feral announced one day that the call had come in: a friend of theirs, maybe an hour or so away, had given us permission to glean their peach orchard.

Gleaning means to simply collect the fruits that have fallen to the ground following the initial harvest, and so we spent a focused few hours gathering the literal windfall of peaches that we found tucked into the grass about the trees.

We filled bin after bin, loading up the bed of Feral’s big old Dodge pickup, and stopped ourselves only because we got to a point where we had no idea what we would do with all these peaches (in Stephanie’s estimate, maybe four hundred pounds worth).

It was remarkable, and no one was happier than our resident fruit bat, Sylvie.  She loves fruit, and she double loves peaches, and here we were luxuriating in this forest of ambrosia, where there was quite literally no limit to the number of peaches she could eat.

Back at the farm, sorting through the hundreds and hundreds of peaches and trying to come up with a strategy to use them all, we began to jokingly refer to our situation as “peachmageddon”.  Then Feral dropped by with about fifty pounds of zucchinis and we began to talk about “zucchinimageddon” and then, over yet another abundant dinner that night (dessert: peach cobbler) I hit on the pun “farmageddon” and it stuck.

There was just so much good stuff coming to us from the earth that it was sometimes difficult for us to simply process it all.

There just aren’t a whole lot of opportunities to feel so connected to the food in front of us.

Another accidental, but enormously important lesson for the girls, and honestly, for me.

Pictures, in this case, are probably worth the thousand words they’re rumored to be, so I’ll let the gallery below do the talking:


One thought

  1. Thanks so much for the farmagedon update! It looks as though Sylvie has her rastafarian dreads going. How special to be able to eat the muscles! We can’t eat them in Alaska, too much PSP (paralytic shellfish poison) Nothing new, it’s been going on forever. Every once in a while tourists will “glean” a rock and die. Sad but it’s one way for us to learn a lesson…never eat muscles. Wow! Those egg plants are beautiful! Why would anyone ever eat meat there? Except for fish of course. I really have kept up on your rovings and really appreciate seeing our old friends Ferel and Stephanie and Abbie. Good to see you added another beautiful girl Aribelle to the mix! Keep on trucking! Cherry & R.K. (Lucy too!)

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