Rivets, The O Room, Werewolves and The Rim

As happens from time to time, this morphed into a pretty long post, so if you’re the visual type and don’t have the time or patience to read all these words then skip down to the bottom for the photo gallery. *** If there was a single standout moment for me at the Overland Expo in …

Calf Creek

Our stay on the north rim of the Grand Canyon was pretty special for a number of reasons, and reminded us of just how exceptionally rewarding it can be to keep ourselves off the beaten path if only because of the people we meet in these places. We had been chatting with a couple from …

No Map

Back in December, long distant enough now that it feels like a lifetime ago to me, we spent Christmas at the Guadeloupe Canyon hot springs. The girls, as they always do at a new destination, immediately scampered all over the place, exploring the palm stands and bouldering the rocks and inspecting all the other sites …