Leaving Los Frailes

We had been joking with Bernie for the past several nights that he keeps pushing back his departure date from Los Frailes so he can enjoy the benefit of multiple sending off parties, which we keep happily throwing for him, but on a Monday morning, after successfully losing the last three of his lures and …

Is That A Shark?

We’ve spent a significant portion of this trip staying off the beaten path and ignoring offers to take guided tours, go on planned hikes, or pay entry fees in general of any kind.  I like to say that this is because of our indomitable spirit of self reliance and adventure, Val would probably (fairly) point …


Leonie, as of about three o’clock in the morning, is now eight. The girls and Val are in the tent right now, enjoying the first chapter of a book that was one of the gifts tonight. It is still, as calm a night as we’ve had since we made camp here on the beach at …